Sunday, August 13, 2017

June 19, 2017 - The Joy of Service

Well this week was full of blessings and awesome experiences. Well this week I had to say goodbye to Elder de Leon and I recieved my new companion, Elder Laguna. Well the adios to Elder de Leon was a bit tough because we got along really well and I grew to love him a ton and we worked very well together but I know that I have much more to learn from more companions and he does too. Well Elder Laguna is from Mexico and he is some what new in the mission. It is awesome to have a companion with a new and opened mind to the Spirit and ideas that we have to help people in their conversions. I have already learned a lot from him, especially having to put myself in the position to lead the lessons and direct and guide our days. Well he is awesome and we are already getting along and learning a ton from the spirit. 

Well this saturday we went to a baptism of the other Elders in our ward and after, the bishop called Elder Togisala and I to talk with him. Well he asked us to give a talk on Sunday morning on the joy we recieve from serving others. I was up all night thinking about what I could talk about and the things I could share but more importantly, I started to really think about the joy and blessings that I have recieved from serving others. I have started to count my blessings and I have seen so many anazing miracles and things happen here. From people wanting to be bapitsed to gaining a stronger testimony. I know that I am serving these people here and like in the Book of Mormon it says that when we are serving others we are really serving our God (King Benjamin). One of these miracles I have seen actually happened yesterday with an investigator named Araceli. She is a young adult and reference/cousin of a strong family in the ward. Sh has come to church quite a few times but we just started teaching her recently and we have taught her lessons twice. The first time we talked about the Restoration and the word of wisdom. She is very positive and really is trying to grow her love for Christ. Well yesterday we went to teach her for the second time and she said she wants to be baptised this saturday. We taught literally everything she needed to know and she had her interview the same day. She is ready and has a huge desire to be baptised and live the Gospel of Christ. We saw this miracle of her saying that she wants to be baptised so soon and with so little of lessons. Her cousins are teaching her tons (returned missionaries) and we are all super excited for her baptism this week. Oh ueah I forgot to say that her mom and her grandma are antiLDS so we cant teach her in her house. Her mom gave her permision to go to church but she isnt supportive of it at all. Her desire is awesome and she is a huge example to us. I am trying to have faith like her and trust 100% in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven. I hope you all can exercise and show your faith this week and come closer to and have a personal relationship with Christ. Count your blessings and always remember to serve and love everyone. Have a good one!

Elder Mark Daniel Adams

Sorry for so few pics ill try to take some more this week. And some with Elder Laguna.

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