Sunday, August 13, 2017

April 10, 2017 - SIX MONTHS

WOW time is flying! This week I passed 6 months in the mission! I know that I still have a ton of experiences to be made and people to meet and by no means do I want it to go any faster. I am loving this time I have here and I know it just keeps getting faster and faster. SLOW DOWN! 

Well in this time I have learned a ton. One thing that I have really focused on learning is trying to see people through God's eyes. I know we can all silently judge at moments or have a little thought pop into our heads but when we always look at people and try to find the best in them, we always benefit. Especially here on the mission, if I make the judgement to not talk to someone because of their appearance or the way they go about things, I am not doing the Lord's will. I will not be able to have His power with me or be able to find the people that He has prepared. When we are outgoing and talk to everyone, literally everyone, we see the hand of God in the work that we are doing for His children. 

Another important thing that I have learned and that I have shared before is how important the scriptures are, especially The Book of Mormon. We have a guide to our lives in front of us and many times we are to selfish with our time and we don't even pick it up. I definatly was guilty of this before the time I have had here. I could have studied my scriptures much more and I could have gained so much more before the mission. I wasn't humble enough to read my scriptures and learn from the teachings of prophets, which are the same as the teachings of our Heavenly Father (D&C 1:38). Well now that I was kind of forced to leave my old lazy self behind I have learned and found out what I was missing all this time. I have come to know that The Book of Mormon is sacred scripture that can help in every way imaginable. All we have to do is pick it up every once in a while and actually read it! As President Monson said, "If you are not reading The Book of Mormon every day, please do so." 

Lastly, I have learned to solve a Rubiks cube. Just kidding, well I did learn that but another thing that has really helped me, like Bryan and Kevin have always said, has been loving the people. I have felt love for so many people in this short time that I have been here. From all the people that I got to know in Alta Vista and also now in Usulután, I have come to love every single one of them. When we have this love for everyone, it helps us on those hard days. I can always just think about the people that we are helping and it gives me the drive and desire to keep working hard and trusting in thhe Lord. Most importantly, we need to love our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Especially in this Easter season, we can reflect on what the sacrifice of Jesus really means. Are we humble enough to accept this gift of forgivenes? Are we too prideful to realize that we are in the wrong? I encourage every one to study Alma 7:11-13 and really think about what Christ did for you. 

Well this week has been an awesome one. We have focused on finding new people to teach and with the help of Heavenly Father and many prayers, we found some really amazing people. I hope your week was just as good and that you can have an amazing week this week full of oportunities to remember Christ and what He has done for you. I'm happy, healthy, and and loving my mission!

Elder Adams Jr.
P.S. If you haven't seen "Ephraim's Rescue" you're missing out. We only watched a part of it in a multi zone conference but from the 20 minutes that we watched, I could tell it is a sweet movie.

Mom and Dad

Elder Pacajá, the new comp

Well we celebrated a bit, 12 pupusas was a bit much

 Leaning tower of pupusas

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