Monday, August 14, 2017

August 14, 2017 - Traveling Cross Country

What a week! This week was full of a ton of traveling cross country and having fun. Of course we have fun every week and I love it here but this week was one totally unexpected. So tuesday we had exchanges with some Elders in our district and we got a ton done here in the area. Not only that but I learned a ton about how we can work more efficiently and be better missionaries daily. The next morning we got up at 330 to travel across El Salvador to San Salvador where my companion had a doctors appointment but when we finally got there 5 hours later they said that the doctor came and left early for an emergency but he was going to be there the next day to see my companion. It would have been a huge waist of time to go back home and come back the next day so we made arrangements to stay in San Salvador and work there. I worked with Elder Junior again which was awesome to learn from him and yet again how I can be a better servant of our Heavenly Father. We were able to go to one of the nicest Pupusarias in the country which is on top of a huge mountian and is famous here. There are a few pics but you have to put all three together to get the full effect haha. Well the next day when we went to the doctor they pretty much said they couldnt do anything because the doctor wasnt specialized so we ended up going back to Berlin which seemed to be a waste of time but we really were able to profit from it. We both learned a ton from the areas and the Elders that we were working with that we have applied and we have had more success. The following day we had to travel back to Usulutan for a meeting too... We have been all over!

Well in the middle of all the random stuff that we did, I was able to learn from my leaders, my companion and most importantly from our Heavenly Father. I have learned in my mission that when we are humble and give up our pride of thinking we know everything and we can do it all ourselves, we not only better our lives but we are able to work more efficiently and change the lives of others too. Our Heavenly Father knows what we need and when we turn to him in humility we are able to be his investigators. 

Also during all the craziness we were able to find an amazing family here in Berlin. We havent been having huge days of finding but we were able to listen to the spirit and we were able to find a family that is super humble and willing to listen to the message of the restored gospel. I learned from them not to judge anyone and let everyone have the chance to listen. They are a young family with a toddler, the dad has earrings and they arent married but when we gave them the chance, we learned that they are very humble and love their Father in Heaven. I cant wait to see their progress.

I love you all and have an awesome week!

Elder Mark Daniel Adams

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