Monday, August 14, 2017

July 3, 2017 - Another Good One

This week has been another good one! I feel like I start off all my letters like that but it is always true, we always are having good weeks! This week we have been working hard and seeing miracles daily. This week we were focsed in the Rodriguez family who we have been working with for about a month and a little. They are a family of 4 who are awesome. They were a reference from the Bishop which was a huge blessing to us and this area. They pretty much knew all the basic principles of the Gospel before we started teaching them, the Bishop has been a huge help to us and their conversions. More than anything we have focused on the father of the family named Heriberto. From the very first lesson until now he has been one of our most positive investigators. The first time we talked about bapism he told us "of course I want to get baptised but I have another goal in mind, to get sealed to my family". I know that says it all but just to let you know I haven't met another person here that has heard about dealings. 

Well we have been studying a ton to answer all the questions and the few doubts that they have had to our best abilities. I have learned a ton from them and through my studies just for them. Well this week we have been preparing the 3 that are old enough for their baptismal date on the 8th of this month. The mom Xiomara has always had a few big doubts but really wants to grow closer to our Heavenly Father. She has been a bit closed off to baptism because she wants to learn more and have a little more time in the church. She has not been opposed to her husband and her daughter getting baptised but she just wanted her time. Well this week we saw a huge miracle with them as a family. The Bishops son recommended that we watched a video called "Together Forever" with them. I didn't have much faith in this video but we shared it with them on saturday. By the end, I looked over to the both of them and they were crying. It shows about the importance of the Plan of Salvation and how families can be eternal. 

Just yesterday we had their baptisimal interviews and Hermana Xiomara said that she wants to be baptised with the rest of her family! This saturday we will have a few awesome baptisms that I am really excited for! Well I hope this made sense we have like 30 minutes to write today but I love you all and I love my mission!

Elder Mark Daniel Adams

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