Sunday, August 13, 2017

April 17, 2017 - Semana Santa


So yesterday being Easter or as they call it here, "Resurrection Sunday", the last day of "Holy Week", I have had a lot to think about and study. What did Jesus really do for us? I think at times we become a little forgetful and we don't remember what He really did. I have thought about this a ton throughout my mission and especially in this time of the year. He suffered every single pain, affliction, trial, hard time, hurt feeling, stubbed toe, and sad moment in our lives (Mosiah 3:7). I know that no man would be able to suffer anything near the amount that He did. The most amazing part was, it was His free will, He still had His agency to back out or to follow through out of love. Well I was reading in Luke the part when Jesus is teaching His disciples the Sacrament and He is talking to his disciple Simon. In Luke 22:33 Simon responds, "And he said unto him, Lord, I am ready to go with thee, both into prison, and to death." This verse really made me think. Am I a true disciple of Christ? Am I willing to stand next to Christ and go through what He did for us? I know that it would be extremely hard but I hope that we all can answer yes. Just a thought that I had during my studies. I hope this Easter you all had the opportunity to reflect on the part that is most important, our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ.

So this week was another awesome one highlighted with a trip to the temple. We went all as a mission to the temple with all our investigators, less actives, recent converts, and members. We weren't supposed to go in this time because we were with our investigators but pretty much the night before we got a call saying we were going to be able to enter. Well, this opportunity to go in was awesome. I could feel the presence of our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. I was reminded of the blessings that we can recieve when we are obedient and faithful to the covenants that we have made. I am so grateful to be able to have the blessing of the temple in my life. I know that only through the temple and the power of the Holy Priesthood we can live together forever as families. 

So the cool story of the week... for those of you who don't know, my Uncle Dean served his mission here in El Salvador about 39 years ago. Well this week we had our Stake conference and I was sitting with Elder Pacajá before one of the sessions and I saw some guy looking at me. After a little bit he came up to us and asked if I was Elder Adams. We talked for a bit and he told me thaat Uncle Dean baptised him 39 years ago and how grateful he is for the Gospel in his life to this day. He even pulled 2 little wallet sized pictures out of his shirt pocket of Uncle Dean. Thought you would all enjoy. What a small world and I'm super stoked to be able to say I met him. Faithful and strong, just how each and every one of us needs to be.
Elder Adams

P.S. Sorry for no pics this week I had some camera problems but this week we will get back on it!

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