Sunday, August 13, 2017

April 3, 2017 - Usulutan

So this week was another good one here in Usulután. I'm used to the area and my companion now but getting used to the heat is still taking its time. We have been lucky with it not being too hot but it still can be powerful. Kev I know that I have nothing to talk about. I'm sure Africa is 10x hotter haha. 

Well like you all know, this week was highlighted by conference. Conference here feels like Christmas at home :). There was so much counsel and teachings we could learn. In specific, a few talks really stood out and called my attention. First was a talk in the Saturday Afternoon Session by M. Russell Ballard. In this lesson he taught, we learned abut goal setting and how we need to set goals. Not only a goal is necessary, we need to come up with a plan to lead us to that goal. It really changed my perspective on the subject when he said that we have the perfect example of the Goal/Plan pattern. Heavenly Father's goal is "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." He has this goal that is not an easy one haha but He has created a perfect plan to accomplish His goal. The Plan of Salvation is the perfect plan to bring the children of God back to his presence in happiness. He added that we need to ask ourselves, how are we doing? I think we can all apply this to our lives and really set goals and more importantly, we can achieve them.

In the Priesthood Session, David A. Bednar talked about Missionary Work and what our focus should be in life as young Priesthood holders. He started out with the letter that every missionary receives to know where they will labor. The first sentence calls us to serve and the second calls us to labor. Everyone of us has been called to serve as missionaries. Maybe some of us have not had the opportunity to be assigned to labor but, like in D&C 80 says "...whether to the north or to the south, to the east or to the west, it mattereth not, for ye cannot go amiss." Every single one of us are called to the work. It doesn't matter if we are at home or on the mission, we "cannot go amiss". Full time missionaries or member missionaries, we always have work to be done. 

Well there were a ton of talks that really were awesome and helped change my view on certain aspects of the Gospel and on our lives. I could say a little something about every talk that I liked but it would bore you all to death. Hopefully you all already heard all these messages and are applying them! Conference is a huge blessing for us. We have the opportunity to listen to the living Prophet and his Apostles. We have the chance to receive guidance from our Father in Heaven through His holy servants. Now it is our turn to apply these teachings in our daily lives and live as servants of our Father also.

I am happy, healthy and loving my mission. Thank you all for your support and love. I pray for each and every one of you all the time. Have an awesome week and I'll talk to you all too soon!
Elder Adams Jr.

Sorry I didnt take many pics this week but heres a random one of parts of the new area. some places look like jungle and others like deserts haha its weird 

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