Monday, August 14, 2017

July 10, 2017 - Heaven Sent Miracles

Well this week was awesome! I am pretty sure I left a lot out in the last weeks email, we were very short on time, but I hope you all got the story and the blessings that happened to us. Well this week we have seen these blessings grow and grow. 

This week was highlighted with the baptisms of the familia Rodriguez, who I talked about last week. Well we visited them all week and were preparing and preparing again for their baptisms. The mom, Xiomara, has always been on the edge about religion and not wanting much. The first time that she came to church, her husband told us that he had been trying to get her to go to other churches with him and praying for her to go for years and she had never wanted to go. When he told her that he was going to go to church and invited her this time, she seemed a bit more animated and willing to go. Everyone has their time to hear the message of the Restored Gospel and her time was up. That was one of many miracles that we have seen in the conversion of the family. 

Well even up until the baptism she was a little on the edge, half joking with us and half really not knowing what to do. The day of the baptism they showed up with white clothes in hand, but Hermana Xiomara didn't have anything. She told us that she didn't want to get baptised that day and it wasn't her time. We were in a bit of shock and we didn't have a clue what to do. We talked to her for a while and she eventually said that she was just kidding and she had her white clothes in her purse. We were and still are so glad that she decided to be baptised with her family and chose to enter into the path of the Lord. 

Well just one last thing that happened with the baptsim, they planned it at 9am and at that time usually no one shows up. We waited and waited and after about 30 minutes we had a grand total of 4 missionaries and 2 members. We couldn't wait any longer so we went to get changed and when we came back out, the room was filled with people standing because there wasn't enough room. We were amazed at the turn out and excited for the awesome baptisimal service that was held. 

Well I know that each and every one of these little miracles that we saw were heaven sent. There is no other way that we could have changed the heart of someone or have seen any of these other things without the power of heaven. My testimony is strengthened daily from the little and giant miracles that wesee daily. I know that Heavenly Father loves us and Protects us. There is not a doubt in my mind about the power of our Heavenly Father or His willingness to bless us. I love this Gospel and I love being a missionary, a servant of our Heavenly Father, and an instrument in His hands. I hope we can all continue to look for the little blessings that we often forget about. I love you all and am always praying for you. 

Elder Mark Daniel Adams

Ps today we are going to famiia Rodriguez's and we are having a party and barbeque it should be awesome! Ill send the pics next week!

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